Bohloli Khiavi R. This is a translation into Farsi of an article originally published in English: Hassan Ahmed Khan, Aftab Ahmed, Riffat Mehboob, Nosocomial infections and their control strategies, J of Asian Pacific of Tropical and Biomedicine, 5(7), 509-514, 2015 ., 2015.05.001,2221-1691/copyright, 2015, Hainan university, production and hosting by Elsevier(Singapore) PTE Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY - NC- ND License(
The article was translated by Reza Bohloli Khiavi MSc in microbiolgy, Ardebil University of Medical Sciences, Meshkin Shahr City Health and Treatment Center.. 3 2018; 10 (40) :39-47 URL: