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:: year 7, Issue 27 (6-2015) ::
3 2015, 7(27): 40-46 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of training methods on student learning levels
Monerieh Rahimkhani1 , Mandana Shirazi1
1- Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (7257 Views)
Introduction: Due to the increasing development of educational methods, now needed to implement new training methods is remarkable. we discuss training in small groups (small group discussion) and lectures about the third year science student laboratory employed to study at Tehran University Faculty of Medicine to run. Methods: The present grade students were divided into two groups. Course materials provided to both groups was the same group about teaching as a form of speech was done, thus this method all the more relevant as desired by the professor lectures using slides and other teaching tools in class and help was limited in duration. For the second group teaching methods as small group discussion Jigsaw method was presented. The final step in both groups, the first group was trained to lecture and the second group under the Small group teaching methods Jigsaw manner were gathered in one place and test all students in school were related content. After the test, a questionnaire based on the amount of student learning and satisfaction, and includes several questions were distributed among students and they were asked to carefully study the questionnaire and complete. Test papers filled by students and were analyzed. Results: In the final test scores between groups of students who lecture them were used for training and group students for small group discussion method of training was used, significant differences were observed. (P> 0.05) obtained by studying statistics the questionnaire, the questions relating to encourage them to participate in discussion with the instructor and other students and also encourage questions about study abroad, students in group discussions were little more than lecture groups responded to these questions. But questions about the ability to rate teachers in classroom management and compliance in the regular sequence of materials is presented in the lecture group students who were in these cases than the other groups were in favor. Conclusion: The scores of students in the two groups were not significantly different. That is maybe due to non-compliance with the appropriate content type of intervention and or insufficient number of students is under review. With the survey questionnaire, students were more satisfied with discussion group.
Keywords: lecture, small group discussion, students
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: میکروب شناسی و باکتری شناسی
Received: 2015/06/29 | Accepted: 2015/06/29 | Published: 2015/06/29
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Rahimkhani M, Shirazi M. Comparison of training methods on student learning levels. 3 2015; 7 (27) :40-46
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-100-en.html

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year 7, Issue 27 (6-2015) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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