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:: year 8, Issue 31 (6-2016) ::
3 2016, 8(31): 29-45 Back to browse issues page
Quantum management and toxic management; a systematic review in clinical laboratory system
Hossien Dargahi 1, Zeynab Partovi Shayan2 , Ali Akbar Razghandi3 , Mina Morravegi4
1- Health Information System Research Center,Tehran University oF Medical Sciences,Tehran,Iran
2- Ghazvin University of Medical Sciences,Tehran,Iran
3- Iran University of Medical Sciences,Tehran, Iran
4- Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (7296 Views)

There are several management styles to administrate the health care organizations, for examples clinical laboratories, but one of the traditional styles is toxic management that induce serious problems in all organizations and finally, this management styles will damage and destroy the organization. Disability of strategic thought and lack of effective communication with the employees as the main characteristics of toxic management lead to impede the attaining of organizational goal. In new millennium  , organizations should compatible with environmental changes and innovation, and avoid the toxic management, In the other hand, quantum management had different characteristics in comparison with toxic management . Because quantum managers administrate their organizations and human resource logically and thoughtfully, and see the organization from down to up, and from internal to external of organization by quantum skills. Therefore, this research is aimed to introduce and explain the toxic management and quantum management and compare these two styles with each other as a systematic review research, in order to promote the clinical laboratories managers to use quantum management.

This research is a systematic review study that induced using “toxic management, quantum management, and Management System” as the key words for data collection by English and Persian search engines from 1994 to 2011. The quality and validity of articles analyzed and confirmed by CASP checklist. Finally, 29 references were selected for data collection.

Today´s organizations are developed hastily, therefore these organization should be ready to exposure with rapid change. Quantum management as a new scientific approach can lead organizations to use learning ability and knowledge capital of human resources. Certainly, this process is depend on elimination of toxic management and utilize the maximum learning ability, which may be used by some elective and appointive managers to perform inefficiently, and persist on ineffective policies and programs. Elimination of toxic management prepare the way to attain quantum management skills.

Keywords: Toxic management, Quantum management, Management System
Full-Text [PDF 560 kb]   (8066 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: علوم آزمایشگاهی
Received: 2016/06/29 | Accepted: 2016/06/29 | Published: 2016/06/29
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Dargahi H, Partovi Shayan Z, Razghandi A A, Morravegi M. Quantum management and toxic management; a systematic review in clinical laboratory system. 3 2016; 8 (31) :29-45
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-160-en.html

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year 8, Issue 31 (6-2016) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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