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:: year 8, Issue 32 (9-2016) ::
3 2016, 8(32): 36-47 Back to browse issues page
The novel rs1256054 Polymorphism in Estrogen receptor beta gene and breast cancer risk
Sakineh Abbasi1 , Samira Kalbasi2
1- Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Medical Sciences University of Tehran, Iran
2- of Tehran,Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (6986 Views)

Background: ER-alpha and ER-beta genes have been proven to play a significant role in breast cancer. Epidemiologic studies have revealed that age-incidence patterns of breast cancer in Middle East differ from those in the Western countries.

Methods: Two selected coding regions in the ER-β gene (exons 3 and 7) were scanned in Iranian women with breast cancer (150) and in healthy individuals (147). PCR single-strand conformation polymorphism was performed.

Results: A site of silent single nucleotide polymorphism was found only on exon 7. The SNP was found only in breast cancer patients (5.7%) (χ2 = 17.122, P = 0.01). Codon 392 (C1176G) of allele 1 was found to have direct association with the occurrence of lymph node metastasis.

Conclusion: Our data suggest that ER-β polymorphism in exon 7 codon 392 (C1176G) is correlated with various aspects of breast cancer and lymph node metastasis in our group of patients.

Keywords: Breast cancer, estrogen receptor, LN metastases, polymorphism
Full-Text [PDF 491 kb]   (3534 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: ژنتیک
Received: 2016/09/22 | Accepted: 2016/09/22 | Published: 2016/09/22
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Abbasi S, Kalbasi S. The novel rs1256054 Polymorphism in Estrogen receptor beta gene and breast cancer risk. 3 2016; 8 (32) :36-47
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-173-en.html

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year 8, Issue 32 (9-2016) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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