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:: year 10, Issue 39 (6-2018) ::
3 2018, 10(39): 25-32 Back to browse issues page
Evalution of HSP70 level in patients‘ saliva with active oral lesions of Behcet‘s disease, in comparation with Healthy individuals
Niloufar Bonyadi1 , Hosein Eslami1 , Mohammad Reza Bonyadi1 , Alireza Khabbazi2
1- Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
2- Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract:   (4987 Views)
Introduction: Behcet‘s disease (BD) is an autoimmune and chronic disease,which can effect multiple systems in the human body. Oral lesions are one of the main symptoms of BD and one of the main pathogenesis of BD is HSP.
Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) are a group of intra-cellular proteins that play scavenger role for other intra-cellular  proteins under denaturation stress conditions.HSP70 maybe as a pro-inflammatory cytokine that causing tissue damage in Behcet‘s disease.
Substantial studies had benn carried out in the field of Behcet‘s disease and majority of them were measured and used the sera of the patients, however, none of them focused on HSP70 levels in the saliva of BD (especially with active oral lesions) as a biomarker. Also taking samples of saliva in comparsion with the supply of their sera, is a non-invasive for the patients and ethically acceptable in research community. There for, the aim of this study, is to evaluate the HSP70 level in saliva of patient as a diagnostic criteria for BD.
Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, after taking samples from saliva of Behcet disease and healthy individuals, during that periods, HSP70 levels, were evaluated by ELISA method and HANGZHOU kit.
SPSS 16 was used to carry out descriptive statistics analysis and U-Mann  Whitney test analysis for independent samples. P value is calculated and less than 0.001 was considered significant in this study.
Results: In this study,35 cases of not-cured Behcet’s disease with active oral lesions and 70 cases of healthy individuals, who referred to Imam Reza hospital in Tabriz, Iran since Oct 2016 to Aug 2017 were evaluated.The mean age of patients was (37.7±8.2) and mean age of health control group was (35±9.3).The mean of HSP70 levels in patients’ saliva was (45.50±17.53 ng/ml) and mean of HSP70 levels in health control group ‘s saliva was (19.58±5.25 ng/ml). ( P<0.001).
Conclusion: Results of this study showed that HSP70 levels in pateints’ saliva with active oral lesions of Behcet’s disease, are higher than HSP70 levels in healthy individuals’ saliva.This is the first report that evaluate and compare HSP70 level in saliva of the patients with BD (especially with active oral lesions) and healthy control.
Keywords: Behcet’s disease, HSP70, Saliva, active oral lesions
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: ایمنی شناسی (ایمونولوژی)
Received: 2018/06/18 | Accepted: 2018/06/18 | Published: 2018/06/18
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Bonyadi N, Eslami H, Bonyadi M R, Khabbazi A. Evalution of HSP70 level in patients‘ saliva with active oral lesions of Behcet‘s disease, in comparation with Healthy individuals. 3 2018; 10 (39) :25-32
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-281-en.html

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year 10, Issue 39 (6-2018) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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