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:: year 5, Issue 21 (11-2013) ::
3 2013, 5(21): 11-18 Back to browse issues page
Clinical laboratories as high reliability organizations: is it possible?
Hosein Dargahi1 , Ghazaleh Sadat Tehrani1
1- Medical University of Tehran
Abstract:   (10840 Views)
High Reliable Organizations (HROs) as a paradigm is essential for establishment of health care system with decreased of human errors and increased of safety. Clinical laboratories as a component of healthcare system should think about the induction of HRO as a new structure. This research is an article review which aimed to introduce the nature and goals of HRO among a clinical laboratory. We studied 118 references from Google, Google Scholar, Scopous, PubMed, Springer, Web of Science, Cochrane Library by high reliability organization, clinical laboratory, patient safety and human error key words and selected 43 references. Clinical laboratories as HRO should highly pay attention to increased quality and empowerment on knowledge and learning of their staffs and have a sense of commitment to human errors and probable accidents. There are several factors for attainment of HRO goals such as commitment to resilience, reluctance to simplify interpretations, sensitivity to operations, preoccupation with failure, and deference to expertise. The high reliability theory is not a prescription of road map for success. But it is in their infancy for medicine and health care system. HRO is a tool through which healthcare organizations can better understand how safe and reliable performance.
Keywords: High reliability organization, Clinical laboratories, Patient safety, Human errors
Full-Text [PDF 318 kb]   (2925 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: General
Received: 2014/01/18 | Accepted: 2014/01/18 | Published: 2014/01/18
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Dargahi H, Tehrani G S. Clinical laboratories as high reliability organizations: is it possible?. 3 2013; 5 (21) :11-18
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-29-en.html

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year 5, Issue 21 (11-2013) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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