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:: year 5, Issue 22 (3-2014) ::
3 2014, 5(22): 72-75 Back to browse issues page
Study and Need for specific laboratory tests in the diagnosis of late complications in veterans
Ali Reza Timcheh Hariri1 , Majid Amooee2 , Reza Momenin3 , Mahdi Balali Mood1 , Jafar Hanaei4 , Hamid Rezazadeh5
1- Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
2- Deputy Director of Academic Affairs, Ministry of Health and Medical Education
3- Research Assistant martyr Foundation and Veterans Affairs
4- Medical Advisor to the Director General of Khorasan Razavi Foundation martyr and Veterans Affairs
5- Expert martyr Foundation and Veterans Affairs Khorasan Razavi
Abstract:   (14167 Views)
With clement over twenty-five years of war, several papers on the effects of injuries caused by war veterans are given, check these articles and also reviewed the causes of death in people exposed to chemical weapons that have as a veteran, or are injured and somewhat different chemical.Chemical weapons often cause Late effects of that ultimately lead to physical and chemical injuries are lifelong injuries. Unfortunately many of ones had died due to the effects of the injury or how long it had clear clinical signs and symptoms are noticed.while at the same time, the results of clinical and laboratory findings were particularly large changes shows. The purpose of this study is to evaluate clinical trials and review other articles published in the official file test pattern in order prognosis of late complications in patient's forecasts to assess chemical weapons. In order to record more than 2000 files of archives office from 1992 to 2012 veterans affairs departments Khorasan Razavi and research papers in the case were the victims of chemical weapons. Results showed late complications can occur during the life of the victims with different intensities, And develops over time, but the comment about the delayed effects need to complete clinical trials and doing complete and new physical examination. so only by The routine tests cannot be compared to Late effects of Comment. Therefore should depending on the type and severity of lesion or tissue be targeted clinical trials and research that highlights and conclusions from research articles, help, and interpreted them to be careful enough.
Keywords: specific laboratory tests, late complications, veterans
Full-Text [PDF 291 kb]   (3142 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/04/8 | Accepted: 2014/04/8 | Published: 2014/04/8
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Timcheh Hariri A R, Amooee M, Momenin R, Balali Mood M, Hanaei J, Rezazadeh H. Study and Need for specific laboratory tests in the diagnosis of late complications in veterans. 3 2014; 5 (22) :72-75
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-31-en.html

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year 5, Issue 22 (3-2014) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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