1- Medical Laboratory Scienses department,School of Allied Medical Scienses, Tehran University of Medical sciences,Tehran, Iran. 2- Medical Laboratory Scienses department, School of Allied Medical Scienses, Tehran University of Medical sciences,Tehran, Iran. 3- School of Medicine, Biochemistry Department, Beheshti university of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran. 4- School of Medicine, immunology Department, Shiraz university of Medical sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Abstract: (12584 Views)
Background and Aim: Worldwide more than 3 million people currently die each year from smoking .Smokers are at greatest risk for cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, cancer, peptic ulcer ,bone matrix loss, and hepatotoxicity .Smoking is one of the major risk factors in the genesis of the in the coronary atherosclerosis and development of coronary heart disease. Nicotine is one of the main constituents. Nicotine causes increase in cholesterol. .Electrolytes and minerals are involved in most cellular activities and assume a major role in metabolism .Electrolytes and minerals have multiple functions such as holding fluids in compartment of the body and maintaining normal acid base balance, nerve conduction, blood clotting and muscle contractions. Hence, the present study is aimed to investigate serum calcium and phosphorus, triglyceride, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate amino transferase levels in smokers and comparing them with non smokers.
Materials and Methods: Thirty human volunteers (aged between20-30 years-old ) smoking more than 8 cigarettes per day were chosen as experimental subjects. Thirty human volunteers who did not smoke selected as control group. Blood samples from overnight fasted subjects were used for the study. All the volunteers in the present study were free from any chronic disease, illness drugs and anesthetics. Plasma levels of calcium, phosphorus, triglyceride, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate amino transferase were determined by zistshimi kits. All the results were analyzed by spss 11 software.
Results: Cigarette smoking significantly increased plasma levels of calcium ,phosphorus ,triglyceride, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase and aspartat amino transferase when compared to control groups (p<0.05).
Discussion and Conclusion: chronic cigarette smoking might have induced alterations in membrane permeability properties of tissues and organs, which might have resulted in increase plasma calcium phosphorus, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate amino transferase levels in smokers. The current study showed significantly higher levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride in smokers as compared to that of controls. Increased cholesterol levels considered to be an important contributory factor for development of atherosclerosis. The molecular mechanisms behind these changes and biochemical consequence are needed further in-depth study.
Dashti N, Einollahi N, Kiani Markani F, Safi S. Investigation of serum calcium ,phosphorus, triglyceride, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase and aspartat amino transferase levels in smokers and comparing them with non smokers in Andishe. 3 2014; 5 (22) :32-37 URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-35-en.html