1- School of Public Health, Health Information Management Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2- Deputy of Research and Technology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (4545 Views)
Introduction: Social responsibility of organizations that is management commitment to do the things which cause improvement and welfare of community. It has now been put forward as a hypothesis that there is positive correlation between managers’ ethical leadership and social responsibility. Although, organizational trust as foundation of all organizational interactions based on organizational culture, is impressed of managers’ ethical leadership and organizations’ social responsibility. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the relationship between managers’ ethical leadership with social responsibility and organizational trust in Tehran University of Medical Sciences hospitals clinical laboratories.
Methodology: This research was a descriptive-analytical study which induced cross-sectional in 2018-2019. The research population was all clinical laboratories staffs of six general and special hospitals. Using Krejcie and Morgan Table, 118 of clinical laboratories staffs determined as sample size. The research tool was Karlson’s ethical leadership, Corral’s social personality and Rodder’s organizational trust questionnaires that their validity and reliability were confirmed. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS V.23 and used average and standard deviation for descriptive results and Perason’s regression test for analytical results.
Results: The results of this study showed that the study of ethical leadership of managers, social responsibility of the clinical laboratories, and their staffs’ organizational trust were desired. Also there was significant and positive correlation between social responsibility and managers’ ethical leadership (P=0.000), and staffs’ organizational trust (P=0.000). Although similar correlation was showed between managers’ ethical leadership and staffs’ organizational trust (0.000).
Conclusion: Common conception of studied clinical laboratories from social responsibility in group level and organizational trust in individual level using ethical leadership style by managers impress the staffs’ effective behaviors. Therefore, we recommend the clinical laboratories directors and managers to apply ethical leadership for improvement of social responsibility and staffs’ organizational trust in these organizations.
Dargahi H, Moammaei H. Investigating Relationship between Managers’ Ethical Leadership with Social Responsibility and Organizational Trust in Tehran University of Medical Sciences Hospitals Clinical Laboratories. 3 2020; 12 (47) :48-61 URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-393-en.html