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:: year 12, Issue 48 (8-2020) ::
3 2020, 12(48): 31-41 Back to browse issues page
The Use of Aptamer in Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria-
Habib Zeighami1 , Mojgan Kheirandish1
1- School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran
Abstract:   (3475 Views)
Detection, identification and measurement of microbial pathogens is critical for protecting public health. Although microbial culture-based tests and molecular techniques are currently the most commonly used, these techniques are time-consuming and require complex tools and experienced individuals. Consequently, it is costly to analyze these techniques. The emergence of the aptamer led to the elimination of defects of other molecular methods. Also, the ability to specifically bind aptamers to different targets has provided them with great potential that can be used to identify various pathogens.  Aptamers are separated from synthetic libraries by a gradual laboratory process called SELEX. The SELEX steps include duplication of library construction, docking / duplication and replication. This study is a review of the use of aptamers as a diagnostic and therapeutic agent for pathogenic bacteria. Aptamers have wide-ranging applications due to their high stability as well as their high affinity for clinical applications in the treatment and diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria. The capabilities and applications of aptamers and their Sensors made in various fields of science, especially the detection and identification of viruses, toxins and pathogenic bacteria, make it increasingly important to research and study this field.
Keywords: Aptamer, Pathogenic Bacteria, SELEX
Full-Text [PDF 661 kb]   (4018 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: میکروب شناسی و باکتری شناسی
Received: 2020/09/16 | Accepted: 2020/09/16 | Published: 2020/09/16
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Zeighami H, Kheirandish M. The Use of Aptamer in Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria-. 3 2020; 12 (48) :31-41
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-405-en.html

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year 12, Issue 48 (8-2020) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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