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:: year 6, Issue 23 (6-2014) ::
3 2014, 6(23): 14-19 Back to browse issues page
Conflict of Interest in Medical Laboratory
Majid Reza Khalajzadeh1 , Kazem Vatankhah2
1- Medical Ethics & Law Research center
2- Yazd University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (12853 Views)
One of the main concern in medicine as a profession is respect for dignity, wishes and needs of health care consumers. In some cases legitimate benefits of some parties are in conflict with the goals of profession. This has obscured the matter and can be the basis for argument about conflict of interest. Despite during recent years, fidelity of health care professionals including medical laboratory staffs has been under the influence of conflict of interest and weakened. Conflict of interest in medical profession occurs when from view point of an impartial observer judgment, decision and actions of professionals are unduly influenced by personal interest. Conflict of interest can be developed in many situations as clinical and health care practice, medical laboratory, biomedical researchers, standardization of treatment, and financial support of researches and literatures which are send for publication. Some cases of financial conflict of interest exist in biomedical ethics and laboratory practice including : Fee splitting, self referring of patient, accept of gift and money for referring patient for researches, lectures or publication of papers about product by payments of the same industry ,and so on. There are some different policies and strategies for management of conflict of interest in medical laboratories .Some of these policies are preventive and in the field of ethical legislation and ethical codes. Other policies are used in the case of conflict of interest. Although conflict of interest in medical and laboratory professional is extensive and has considerable outcome but it has not been seriously studied and its management has not been described in our country .Any argument in this case can be helpful and be considered as a way for management. The matter which is discussed in this paper.
Keywords: Ethics, Conflict of interest, Medical laboratory
Full-Text [PDF 1805 kb]   (4570 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/06/23 | Accepted: 2014/06/23 | Published: 2014/06/23
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Khalajzadeh M R, Vatankhah K. Conflict of Interest in Medical Laboratory. 3 2014; 6 (23) :14-19
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-41-en.html

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Laboratory and Diagnosis
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