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:: year 14, Issue 57 (12-2022) ::
3 2022, 14(57): 29-35 Back to browse issues page
MircoRNAs in thyroid cancer
Reza Nekouian 1, Atieh Mohammadi1
1- Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS)
Abstract:   (1336 Views)
Thyroid cancer, which is known as the most common type of endocrine cancer, has seen a growing prevalence in the last few years. On the other hand, only a small percentage of them are associated with malignancy and most of them are benign tumors. Therefore, the first step in the proper management of this type of cancer is to distinguish malignant tumors from benign ones, and today, we are trying to use biomarkers for this purpose.
MicroRNAs, which are negative regulators of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, control various cellular processes by targeting mRNAs. These types of non-coding RNA molecules are specifically expressed in different types of cancer cells, which can be used as prognostic, diagnostic and even therapeutic tools by examining their positive or negative regulation.
In this review article, a summary of information on microRNAs in different types of thyroid cancers has been collected.
Keywords: Thyroid Cancer, microRNA, Cancer Biomarkers, Molecular diagnostic
Full-Text [PDF 639 kb]   (933 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: بیوشیمی
Received: 2022/12/15 | Accepted: 2022/12/15 | Published: 2022/12/15
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Nekouian R, Mohammadi A. MircoRNAs in thyroid cancer. 3 2022; 14 (57) :29-35
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-520-en.html

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year 14, Issue 57 (12-2022) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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