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:: year 6, Issue 24 (9-2014) ::
3 2014, 6(24): 9-22 Back to browse issues page
quorum sensing in Bacteria
Habib Zeighami1 , Ghazal Naderi1 , Fakhri Haghi1
1- Zanjan University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (11662 Views)
Bacteria were for a long time believed to exist as individual cells that sought primarily to find nutrients and multiply. The discovery of intercellular communication among bacteria has led to the realization that bacteria are capable of coordinated activity that was once believed to be restricted to multicellular organisms. The process of communication is termed “quorum sensing (QS)” it is a density-dependent process that involves the production of extracellular, diffusible signal molecules (Autoinducers) that coordinate gene expression including virulence determinants. As quorum sensing controls virulence, has been an attractive target for the development of novel anti quorum sensing therapy measures that do not rely on the use of antibiotics. Anti quorum sensing therapy has been a promising strategy to combat bacterial infections as it is unlikely to develop multidrug resistant pathogens since it does not impose any selection pressure. The challenge for the future will be for clinicians to apply their understanding of autoinducer-based signaling to the development of effective therapeutic agents or prevention strategies.
Keywords: Bacteria, quorum sensing, anti quorum sensing therapy
Full-Text [PDF 661 kb]   (21605 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: میکروب شناسی و باکتری شناسی
Received: 2014/10/25 | Accepted: 2014/10/25 | Published: 2014/10/25
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Zeighami H, Naderi G, Haghi F. quorum sensing in Bacteria. 3 2014; 6 (24) :9-22
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-55-en.html

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year 6, Issue 24 (9-2014) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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