1- Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2- Tehran University of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (526 Views)
Introduction: Selection of competent managers is the first stage for establishment of healthcare system improvement. Although, it is also seems one of the main problem of Iranian health care organizations, especially clinical laboratories is ignoring the competency of managers. Therefore, this systematic scoping review was aimed to explain the competency model in selection of clinical laboratories’ managers. Methodology: This scoping systematic review was conducted using key words including healthcare organizations, clinical laboratory, managers’ competency from 2000-2023 by Persian and English data bases. Omalley and Arksey guideline was used for quality assessment of papers by mixed method tool including MMAT in six stages. Findings: In this study, five main components including effective leadership, management, comprehensive knowledge, management functions, characteristics traits compatible with management job and organizational position, management quotients, and management skills extracted through open and inferential coding confirmed by researchers in the scope of MCAP. Conclusion: Due to the great changes and developments created regarding organizational structure, organizing, and making smart clinical laboratories, these healthcare organizations need to create new models of managers’ selection based on competency in new century. Therefore, we suggest hybrid competency model for administration of clinical laboratories. Although, it is certain that managing of effective organizations is not individually, but these proposed model include all levels of clinical and administrative management in health care organizations and clinical laboratories to attain common desired results and outcomes using synergistic cooperation.
Dargahi H, Ketabchi Khonsari M H. Explanation of the Competency model in Selection of Clinical Laboratories’ Managers: A Scoping systematic Review. 3 2024; URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-560-en.html