1- Kashan University of Medical Sciences 2- Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Naghavi Hospital 3- Kashan
Abstract: (1073 Views)
Proliferating cells, especially tumor cells, express a pyruvate kinase dimer isoenzyme called tumor pyruvate kinase M2, which can be detected in EDTA plasma and in feces, and in recent years, much attention has been paid to this a new tumor marker. This tumor marker has been used in the diagnosis and monitoring of various malignant diseases. Compared with other tumor markers, the amount of tumor marker M2-PK in EDTA plasma proves to have at least the same sensitivity in pancreatic, gastric, esophageal, colorectal, and cholangiocellular carcinoma. In combination with established tumor markers, EDTA-plasma M2-PK is a useful tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of gastrointestinal tumors. In colorectal cancer, M2-PK in EDTA plasma even shows superiority compared to CEA. Tumor M2-PK test in stool seems to be a good non-invasive screening parameter for colorectal cancer with specificity of 100.9-71% and sensitivity of 0.68-0.91%. This tumor marker is superior to fecal occult blood test in colorectal cancer screening. Since the gold standard for diagnosing colorectal carcinoma is colonoscopy and it is considered an invasive method; Tumor marker M2-PK is an easier and non-invasive method that costs less than the gold standard. The evaluation of this tumor marker is useful and easy to work with. Therefore, the application of stool tumor marker test M2-PK in the diagnosis, evaluation and screening of colorectal cancer is easy and useful and is recommended.
Dowlati M A, Hazrati M A, Mirzaii Fini F, Dowlati M. The importance of measuring the tumor marker M2-PK in the early diagnosis of various types of cancer. 3 2024; 16 (63) :34-37 URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-574-en.html