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:: year 16, Issue 64 (9-2024) ::
3 2024, 16(64): 12-29 Back to browse issues page
Need Assessment & Cost Analysis for the Establishment of the Degree of Doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Science Program in IR Iran Health System
Gholam Reza Hamzehloo1 , Reza Esmaeili2
1- MPH, Head of Reference Health Lab - Deputy of Health Tehran University of Medical Sciences
2- School of Health, Social Development and Health Promotion Research Center, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (529 Views)
Today, health systems are facing a substantial increase in the number, complexity and costs of laboratory services. This increase has created important concerns in the field of diagnostic errors, financing and providing cost-effective services for the health system. Also, inequality in the distribution of laboratory service providers and specialist forces, especially in deprived and less privileged areas, also exists as a serious challenge. Also, despite the large investments of the health systems to train the required manpower in the field of medical diagnosis laboratories in the country in various academic disciplines in specialized levels during the last three decades after the professional doctorate course in laboratory sciences was stopped, unfortunately there is still a need for Qualified technical officers for the technical management of medical laboratories in the public and private sector, especially in less privileged and disadvantaged areas, have not been found, and many hospitals and health center laboratories, even in the centers of provinces and cities, do not have technical officers. Based on the experiences of other countries as well as experts of the health system, the establishment of a professional doctoral training program in clinical laboratory sciences (general sector) can be a suitable strategy for providing cost-effective and accessible services and reducing inequalities in the supply of clinical laboratory services.
In Iran, in 1982, the general plan of laboratory science education at the professional doctoral level was presented and it was announced for implementation in 1982, and its implementation brought many benefits and advantages. But this program was stopped in 1995. Considering the complexity and extent of the country's health risk factors and the increasing need for clinical laboratory services to help prevent, diagnose and treat all types of diseases and screen all types of risk factors that cause disabilities in the country, as well as the comprehensive program of justice, excellence and productivity In the education of medical sciences in the country, the establishment of a professional doctoral course in clinical laboratory sciences has become more necessary. The professional doctorate in clinical laboratory science has been established, accredited and evaluated in other countries such as the United States. The review of the literature indicates the benefits and long-term positive consequences of the establishment of this course on the quality of services and reducing the costs of the health system. In this report, the establishment of this course has been examined and analyzed from different dimensions: the economy of education, justice in health and improving the quality of laboratory services. Based on the analysis of cost minimization, the training of human resources qualified to accept the legal technical officer for laboratories from the current common paths, that is, through the PhD course, clinical specialized doctorate or fellowship, about 2 times the professional doctorate course of laboratory sciences (at the general level). It costs money for higher education. In other words, the use of the graduates of the professional doctoral course in clinical laboratory sciences for the technical responsibility of the laboratories, in addition to saving time in manpower training programs, will save up to 50% of the country's higher health education resources and budgets.
The establishment of a general (professional) doctorate in laboratory sciences in Iran's health system will save the country's higher health education costs, provide professional manpower for a wide range of laboratory services in the country, including the provision of qualified manpower to accept legal technical officers for laboratories. Governmental and non-governmental, there will be a balanced distribution of clinical laboratory service providers and the creation of professional excellence opportunities for students and elites in the field of laboratory sciences of the country. The employment of graduates of this course gives the opportunity to benefit from the full-time and timely activities of professional clinical laboratory personnel, accurate diagnostic services, consulting services related to prescribing and interpreting tests for other specialists, reducing diagnostic errors and reducing unnecessary services. will bring Designing and approving the training program for the professional doctorate in clinical laboratory sciences, together with the determination of program accreditation standards and the compilation of the potential capabilities document of the graduates of the professional doctorate course in laboratory sciences, will be one of the most important current programs for the effective establishment of this course in Iran's health system. Was.
Keywords: doctorate in clinical laboratory sciences, DCLS, the economy of education, justice in health and improving the quality of laboratory services
Full-Text [PDF 1017 kb]   (239 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: علوم آزمایشگاهی
Received: 2024/09/23 | Accepted: 2024/09/24 | Published: 2024/09/24
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Hamzehloo G R, Esmaeili R. Need Assessment & Cost Analysis for the Establishment of the Degree of Doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Science Program in IR Iran Health System. 3 2024; 16 (64) :12-29
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-579-en.html

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year 16, Issue 64 (9-2024) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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