1- Health Information Management Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2- Health Management Research Institute, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (283 Views)
Introduction: Futurism is the Science and of investigation planning, encouraging and architecture of the future composed of two stages: forsighting and forcasting. The application of futurism in clinical laboratory system is forcasting of the future through different scenarios and creation of forcasting of the forward-looking approach the 2030 for attaining of clinical laboratory services providing. Therefore this research was aimed to analyze the trend of related indicators and their description of possible, probable and desired futures to 2030 for clinical laboratory system in Iran. Methodology: This was a realistic review study conducted using different data bases and google scholar search engine, and Persian and English keywords from 1990 to 2023. The references selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria’s by futurism and clinical laboratory scientists. Generally, 1025 references extracted from data bases and finally 121 references selected for this research. Finding: In this research, In the framework structural blocks including leadership and governance, sustainable financing, supplying human research, laboratory technology and instrument, laboratory information systems, providing of laboratory services, and internal and external factors, effective propulsions and solutions for attainment of the providing of laboratory services were determined and introduced. Also four futurism scenarios including optimistic, pessimistic, probable and desired for providing of Iranian clinical laboratory system were suggested. Conclusion: we need strong political commitment of governments for overcoming challenges and creating a consensus between key stakeholders for attaining an optimal scenario to attain the clinical laboratory care and services in Iran. In this way. The developed process of futurism create a special potential for values and investment to deliver laboratory services if the environment will be controlled better.