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:: year 6, Issue 25 (12-2014) ::
3 2014, 6(25): 31-35 Back to browse issues page
Effect of Extremely Low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure on biomarkers of oxidative stress in pregnant rats
Hamideh Gharamaleki1 , Jafar Soleymani Rad1 , Leyla Roshangar1 , Amir Mansour Vatankhah2 , Akram Valipour3
1- Tabriz, University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz-Iran
2- Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz-Iran
3- Farhangiyan University, ShahreKord-Iran
Abstract:   (8643 Views)
Objective: In the last decades, research projects are performed in related with effects of electromagnetic fields on cellular stress, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals. Therefore, researchers are concerned the biological effects of EMF, 50-60 Hz in biological systems. The aim of this study is evaluate the effects of 50Hz electromagnetic fields on parameters of oxidative stress in pregnant rats. Materials and Methods: In treatment group pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to 3mT, EMF for 21 days, 4 hours per day, pregnant rats under same condition of treatment group, but off the field as a Sham group intended and pregnant rats were used as control in the room. After delivery the blood and serum sample of rats for biochemical analyze of MDA, TAC and GPX provided. Results: Biochemical analysis showed that MDA and TAC level were significantly increased in the treated group in comparing with the controls, but no found significant differences between sham and control groups. Also no significant differences in GPX levels were observed between all groups. The data were analysis with SPSS v.19 software by using T-test and P<0.05 is considered as significant. Conclusion: The results suggest that electromagnetic field induced oxidative stress by enhancing LPO and TAC witch acts as a free radical scavenger.
Keywords: electromagnetic field, pregnant rats, stress oxidative
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: بیوشیمی
Received: 2015/01/4 | Accepted: 2015/01/4 | Published: 2015/01/4
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Gharamaleki H, Soleymani Rad J, Roshangar L, Vatankhah A M, Valipour A. Effect of Extremely Low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure on biomarkers of oxidative stress in pregnant rats. 3 2014; 6 (25) :31-35
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-70-en.html

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year 6, Issue 25 (12-2014) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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