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:: year 7, Issue 27 (6-2015) ::
3 2015, 7(27): 47-55 Back to browse issues page
Importance of Dematiaceous Fungi in Clinical Laboratory
Mohammad Ghahri
Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (8275 Views)
Human and animal infections caused by phaeoid fungi can be logically separated into 4 categories under the headings: Superficial, Cutaneous, Subcutaneous, and Systemic diseases. They have a broad spectrum of clinical features, ranging in severity from superficial and mild, to deep-seated and life threatening. Phaeohyphomycosis is a cosmopolitan disease. Patients are usually adults, and about half seem to be immunologically compromised with such associated underlying diseases as diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, leprosy and leukemia. In this section we will discuss about some of these fungi producing large muriform conidia as well as fungi producing phialids. The former include Alternaria, Stemphylum, Pithomyces, Ulocladium, and Epicoccum species and the latter include Phialophora, and Phaeoacremonium. Also the organisms which produce sympodial conidiophores and small conidia will be discussed: Fonsecaea, Rhinocladiella, and Ramichloridium species.
Keywords: Dematiaceous fungi, Phaeohyphomycetes, Phaeohyphomycose, Phaeoid fungi
Full-Text [PDF 698 kb]   (4937 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: قارچ شناسی
Received: 2015/06/29 | Accepted: 2015/06/29 | Published: 2015/06/29
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Ghahri M. Importance of Dematiaceous Fungi in Clinical Laboratory. 3 2015; 7 (27) :47-55
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-99-en.html

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year 7, Issue 27 (6-2015) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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