1- Department of Immunology, Drug applied research center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 2- Department of internal medicine, Imam Reza Hospital, Faculty of medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran 3- Dentistry student, faculty of Dentistry Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Abstract: (5454 Views)
Introduction: RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) is among the most common chronic diseases which results in adulthood disabilities and a chronic inflammatory disease that characterized with symmetrical peripheral polyarthritis. The most common form of chronic inflammatory arthritis and often leads to joint damage and physical disability. The H. Pylori infection leads to intensification of symptoms and calenture of autoimmune diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluation the effect of helicobacter pylori on patients with RA and its relationship with disease activity (DAS28).
Methods: In a case-control study, that performed in the rheumatology ward of internal diseases department of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences on patients with RA, the effect of helicobacter pylori on patients with RA was investigated.
Results: Levels of RF, ESR, CRP, Anti-CCP, and Anti MCV in patients with positive HP serum antibody (PADTAN ELM KIT, IRAN), positive HP fecal antigen (GENERICASSAYS KIT,GERMANY), and positive serum Cag-A(EUROIMUN KIT GERMANY) were significantly higher.
Conclusion: There was no significan difference between DAS28 scores of patients with positive and negative HP serum antibody (P=0.064) as well as patients with positive and negative HP fecal antigen (P=0.237). However, the DAS28 score of patients with positive Cag-A was significantly higher than patients with negative Cag-A (p<0.001). The VAS score of patients with positive HP serum antibody (P=0.031) and positive Cag-A (p=0.004) was higher, but no significant difference was observed between VAS scores of patients with positive and negative HP fecal antigen (P=0.310). Frequency of DAS28>5.1 in patients with negative fecal antigen was significantly higher (P=0.016), but frequency of DAS28>5.1 was significantly higher in patients with positive Cag-A (P<0.001). In addition, no significant difference was also observed between patients with positive and negative HP serum antibody in this regard (P=0.106).
Bonyadi M R, Sofizadeh B, Bonyadi N. The correlation between clinical outcome of patients with rheumatoid arthrthritis and helicobacter pylori infection. 3 2017; 9 (35) :7-16 URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-214-en.html