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:: year 10, Issue 41 (12-2018) ::
3 2018, 10(41): 48-55 Back to browse issues page
The role of miRNA in spermatogenesis and male infertility
Bahareh Maleki 1, Samira Shabani1 , Sadegh Vallian Borojeni1
1- Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, IR Iran
Abstract:   (6125 Views)
Infertility is one of the most common problems in the world. Males are responsible for about half of the infertility cases. The disorder of spermatogenesis is one of the main reason for infertility in men. Spermatogenesis is the process of producing mature sperm from spermatogonia that includes three main steps: mitosis, meiosis and spermyogenesis. The disorder in each step can result in the production of no or abnormal sperms and infertility in men. Infertility can be classified into four groups: Azoospermia, Oligozoospermia, Asthenozoospermia and Teratozoospermia. Several idiopathic and known factors contribute in male infertility. Genetic factors are the most important cause of infertility in men. miRNAs are one of the known genetic factors in male infertility. Spermatogenesis is also regulated as an important biological process by the various miRNA. Abnormal expression of miRNA in the testicles can cause disorder in spermatogenesis pathway and infertility. miRNAs can be used as molecular biomarkers for diagnosis of infertility in males. This article explains the role of miRNAs in spermatogenesis and male infertility.
Keywords: miRNA, Male Infertility, Spermatogenesis, Molecular Biomarkers
Full-Text [PDF 459 kb]   (3417 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: ژنتیک
Received: 2018/12/20 | Accepted: 2018/12/20 | Published: 2018/12/20
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Maleki B, Shabani S, Vallian Borojeni S. The role of miRNA in spermatogenesis and male infertility. 3 2018; 10 (41) :48-55
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-310-en.html

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