Advertising in healthcare and medicine is usually accompanied with ethical issues ,so far as it makes challenging professional problems. There are many advertisements about medical laboratories , healthcare services and medical centers in public media including TV, journals and websites every day. Here is a question that, what is the aim and role of advertising in health care services especially medical labs? and how can we get them?
Medicine as a profession by considering human dignity, patients wishes and benefits has attained valuable position. Most medical professional associations have prohibited advertising as unprofessional and undignified in virtually all countries. In some countries advertising based on market economy is promoted to decrease the cost of medical services, whereas some other countries have limited advertising. In IRAN according to the enacted laws & regulations I.R.I Medical Council is responsible to permit a license for medical advertising . Reviewing laboratory advertisements shows some ethical and legal issues such as: inattention and disregarding of patient and professional beneficence, no licensure, insufficient information about regulations, supervision.