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:: year 11, Issue 43 (6-2019) ::
3 2019, 11(43): 28-41 Back to browse issues page
A Comparative Study of Managerial Intelligence among University Students: School of Allied Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2017-2018
Hossien Dargahi1 , Negin Bashari2 , Arash Akbarzadeh
2- Management Sciences and Health Economics Department, School of Public Health, Tehran university of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (4366 Views)
Introduction: In new management approach ,using managerial intelligence has special significance, that includes emotional, mathematical/logical, political, cultural, spiritual and moral intelligence. So, this study is aimed to compare managerial intelligence among students of school of Allied Medicine of  Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2017-2018.
Method: A descriptive-analytical study was induced using sample size by krejcie and morgan table was consisted 225 students selected based on random classification method. For collecting data, managerial intelligence questionnaire was used included demographic information and 6 managerial quotient elements. 206 questionnaires were collected and they were analysed with descriptive statistic and Kolmogorov-smirnov test, T-test, Wilcoxon-singled test and U Mann- Whitney test by SPSS 21.
Findings: The least managerial intelligence score of students was 372.1,and the highest score was705.5 and the average managerial intelligence score of students was 569.12±51.5,and the mean was more than its expected amount. There was no meaningful correlation between managerial intelligence of male and female students and also between different major fields. But, these findings indicated that MSc. and Ph.D students had higher scores than undergraduate students in managerial intelligence.
Conclusion: Regarding of high importance of managerial quotient for health care system employees´ performance after graduation and starting employment, it is necessary that managerial quotient should be selected as a most important criterias for selection of competent health care system managers.
Keywords: Managerial Intelligence of Students, School of Allied Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Full-Text [PDF 498 kb]   (1467 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: علوم آزمایشگاهی
Received: 2019/06/19 | Accepted: 2019/06/19 | Published: 2019/06/19
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Dargahi H, Bashari N, Akbarzadeh A. A Comparative Study of Managerial Intelligence among University Students: School of Allied Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2017-2018. 3 2019; 11 (43) :28-41
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-333-en.html

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