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:: year 12, Issue 50 (2-2021) ::
3 2021, 12(50): 56-69 Back to browse issues page
Administration of medical laboratories from the point of view of future managers
Hosien Dargahi
Department of Management Sciences and Health Economics, School of Public Health, Health Information Management Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (2981 Views)
Management skills is required for all medical laboratories managers to work better and mane efficient, and assess the development of attaining the organizational goals. Moreover, the manager through having good reputation, adorned and justified appearance, honestly, foresight, for-sightedness and self-reliance, improve the influence rate on their employees. Using leadership styles, for example contingency, democratic and autocratic, efficient reward system, motivation of employees, avoiding sexism, racism and ethnicity, providing the appropriate environment, utilization of clear standards and strategic planning along with flexibility and good communication with employees help the managers to administrate more efficient.
New public management (NPM) is an essential tool for administration of medical laboratories. NPM may applied for real assessment of activities and behaviors, and appropriate utilization of financial and human resources which may used for modification of employees’ behaviors and establishment of discipline in medical laboratory administration. Although, NPM is recommended for administration of medical laboratories, but also scientific knowledge and specialty of laboratory managers is essential in combination with NPM.
Establishment of quality system have an essential role in monitoring of performance management of each organization which leads to increased of patients satisfaction, development of abilities, continuously quality improvement, employees self-reliance, identification of defects and correct them in the shortest possible time, using standard instruments, and finally accountability and social responsibility in medical laboratories. Also, using mixed model of quality system and management system have a more important role in employees’ commitment and loyalty.
Desired organizational behavior is a common process in each organization which help to solve many problems and challenges. But, the behaviors that are not formal and essential and ethical, and recognized as influence tool an other people and introduce as inevitable phenomenon named political behavior. The recent researches show that different factors including personal characteristics of employees, organizational culture, and external and internal environment of each organization have the main role in tendency if employees to organizational behaviors. Therefore, one the most important duty of a manager is application of political behavior management tactics based on his or her situation. Elimination of team working, correction of organizational culture, and observation of justice for compensatory paying system are all the ways for controlling of political behaviors in each organization. Although, avoiding of managers from political atmosphere perused the employees to show little tendency to organizational behavior.
Keywords: management system, new public management, quality system, political behavior, medical laboratory
Full-Text [PDF 319 kb]   (2281 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: علوم آزمایشگاهی
Received: 2021/03/8 | Accepted: 2021/03/8 | Published: 2021/03/8
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Dargahi H. Administration of medical laboratories from the point of view of future managers. 3 2021; 12 (50) :56-69
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-433-en.html

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year 12, Issue 50 (2-2021) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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