1- School of Public Health, Health Information Management Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2- Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3- Razi Skin Hospitals, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (3405 Views)
Introduction: The positive and negative relationship between job burnout as job emotional collapse and job engagement which defined the employees’ satisfaction with their jobs has been considered by human resources researchers. Therefore, this research was aimed a comparative study between job burnout and job engagement among administrative – financial employees and clinical laboratories employees of selected medical sciences universities hospitals in Tehran.
Methodology: This research was a descriptive – analytical and cross – sectional study conducted among 221 administrative – financial employees and 208 clinical laboratories of six selected hospitals of medical sciences universities in Tehran. Regarding the sample size, census method was used. The research tools was two questionnaires including Maslach’s job burnout and research – constructed job engagement which its’ face validity and also contentment validity confirmed by 0.72 for job burnout and 0.77 for job engagement questionnaires, respectively. Also, the questionnaires’ reliability confiremed by Alpha Cronbach coefficient procedure according to which was 0.76 for job burnout and 0.75 for job engagement questionnaires.
Results: Clinical laboratories employees were less exposured to job burnout and had more job engagement in comparative with administrative – financial employees. Also, there were significant correlation between job burnout and job engagement of employees with their age, gender, educational degree, work experiences, and type of employment. Moreover, significant positive correlation was approved between job burnout and job engagement of clinical laboratories’ employees (P= 0.001, r= 0.75), and administrative – financial employees (P=0.001, 0.75).
Conclusion: Decreased of job burnout and increased of job engagement among clinical laboratories employees in comparative with administrative – financial employees of selected hospitals of Tehran may be related to their job type, nature, and climate. Positive or negative significant between job burnout and job engagement of mentioned employees do not follow a stable trend because of employees’ workholism and excessive work through positive significant, and decreased of motivation factors among employees based on negative significant with each other. We assure leadership style, organizational justice, type of organizational culture, and professional ethics consideration should be enrolled for positive or negative correlation between employees’ job burnout and job engagement which may be studied in the next studies.
Dargahi H, Biglar M, Golmohammadi Z, Taghavi S. Comparative Study between Job Burnout and Job Engagement among Administrative – Financial Employees and Clinical Laboratories Employees of Selected Medical Sciences Universities Hospitals in Tehran 2019-2020. 3 2021; 13 (52) :24-39 URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-457-en.html