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:: year 15, Issue 60 (9-2023) ::
3 2023, 15(60): 21-31 Back to browse issues page
Fungal infections of the CNS-Final Section
Mohammad Ghahri
Abstract:   (1082 Views)
Candida species, although rare pathogens of the central nervous system, can cause infection in the meninges and parenchymal tissue of the brain. In medicine, most cases of candidiasis of the central nervous system are related to invasive or disseminated candidiasis. Another form of candidiasis of the central nervous system is a complication of neurosurgical procedures, especially ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt placement. It is called as such because of the characteristics of this population of patients. About half of patients who die from invasive candidiasis have evidence of CNS involvement. Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common cause of fungal meningitis.
Hodgkin's disease, lymphoma, sarcoidosis, and idiopathic CD4 leukopenia are among the conditions that predispose to cryptococcosis. Corticosteroids and treatment for solid tissue transplantation also predispose a person to this infection.
Severe and prolonged neutropenia and high doses of corticosteroids are major predisposing factors for the occurrence of nervous system aspergillosis in tissue transplant and cancer patients. The first focus of infection is often the lung, although some patients have invasive paranasal sinusitis or otitis externa with direct extension to the brain or invasion of large vessels as a way to the brain. Infection can also occur after foot surgery. Direct development of infection from the vertebrae to the subarachnoid space has been reported in chronic granulomatous disease. Primary CNS aspergillosis has also been reported.
Cladophialophora bantiana is a well-known agent of cerebral infection in normal hosts. Among other genera, Bipolaris or Exerohilum, Curvularia, Fonsecaea and Wangiella have often been reported as the cause of infection in immunocompromised hosts. C. bantiana has significant neurotropism. This fungus can be separated from detritus. In many cases, the hosts are infected with adequate immunity, often multiple abscesses are present, which indicate blood spread to the brain. The lesion is usually located in the frontoparietal lobes. The method and manner of spread and spread of the fungal agent, its type and severity, the thickness of the capsule, the location and number of abscesses in the brain and the immune status of the host are important components in determining the outcome and outcome of the disease.
Identification of microorganisms and insight into their pathogenesis is effective for appropriate therapeutic interventions to improve the outcome and end of the disease.
Keywords: CNS Infections, Brain Abscesses, Fungal Meningitis, Systemic Mycoses
Full-Text [PDF 621 kb]   (1007 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: قارچ شناسی
Received: 2023/09/17 | Accepted: 2023/09/18 | Published: 2023/09/18
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Ghahri M. Fungal infections of the CNS-Final Section. 3 2023; 15 (60) :21-31
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-545-en.html

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year 15, Issue 60 (9-2023) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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