Sjogren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic progressive autoimmune disease that is usually followed by rheumatologists. Delayed diagnosis of the disease is common because the symptoms of the disease are non-specific and the disease progresses slowly.
SS is characterized by dry eyes and mouth, although a wide range of symptoms such as joint pain, skin rashes, chronic dry cough, vaginal dryness, numbness in the extremities, and excruciating fatigue are also included.
The common diagnostic criteria proposed by the American/European Society of Rheumatology in 2016 (2016 ACR/EULAR) can help in the diagnosis of SS. These criteria include clinical symptoms, positive serology tests, and biopsy findings of salivary glands. Common biomarkers used for SS disease include anti-SS-A/Ro, ANA, anti SS-B/La and RF. While these biomarkers are useful for diagnosing the disease, they are not always positive, especially in the early stage of the disease, and importantly, they are not specific for SS disease. Several biomarkers specific to salivary-lacrimal glands have been recently introduced, including SP-1 (salivary gland prolein-1) (parotid secretory protein) PSP and (carbonic anhydrase) CA-6.
Studies show that these new biomarkers are very important in the early diagnosis of the disease. For this reason, the researchers designed a test called SjO diagnostic test, which is commercially available to diagnose SS disease, and in this test, common biomarkers (anti-SS-A/RO, anti-SS-B/LO, ANA and RF) and new biomarkers (antibodies to SP -1, PSP and CA-6) are evaluated. This test increases the sensitivity and specificity of SS diagnosis. Timely diagnosis of SS disease requires the cooperation of rheumatologists, ophthalmologists and dentists and the correct selection of differential work-up, which includes physical and clinical evaluations.