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:: year 16, Issue 65 (12-2024) ::
3 2024, 16(65): 13-21 Back to browse issues page
A review on the latest clinical and laboratory criteria for clinical diagnosis of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies
Sedigheh Sharifzadeh1 , Nahid Nasri1
1- Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, School of Paramedical Sciences
Abstract:   (332 Views)
Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a group of autoimmune diseases with shared proximal muscle weakness and inflammation. Muscle involvement is typically symmetric, proximal and can be present very mild to very sever. IIMs are categorized to dermatomyositis (DM), polymyositis (PM), inclusion body myopathy and immune- mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM). Electromyography, MRI and muscle biopsy are valuable methods to differentiate myopathies. Muscle biopsy is critical for the diagnosis of the different forms of IIM. In this regard, the presence of perifascicular atrophy is strongly suggestive of DM, whereas the finding of rimmed vacuoles in the appropriate context suggests IBM. Besides these, the presence of autoantibodies and elevated muscle enzymes is helpful in the diagnosis of myositis. The known autoantibodies are of most important in the context of myositis include anti-Jo-1, anti- SRP (signal recognition particle), anti- HMGCR (3- hydroxyl-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A r
Keywords: Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies, Muscle Biopsy, Muscle Enzymes, Myositis- Specific Autoantibodies, ACR/EULAR 2017 Criteria
Full-Text [PDF 1655 kb]   (163 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: ایمنی شناسی (ایمونولوژی)
Received: 2024/12/28 | Accepted: 2024/12/29 | Published: 2024/12/29
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Sharifzadeh S, Nasri N. A review on the latest clinical and laboratory criteria for clinical diagnosis of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. 3 2024; 16 (65) :13-21
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-585-en.html

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year 16, Issue 65 (12-2024) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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