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:: year 6, Issue 26 (3-2015) ::
3 2015, 6(26): 64-73 Back to browse issues page
The most recent study of biological and non-biological detoxification of mycotoxins
Leyla Rajabalizadeh
Tehran University Center East
Abstract:   (6658 Views)
Mycotoxins are considered as a potential risk factor for human and animal health. Food contaminated with mycotoxins can cause serious eye disorders and diseases in livestock and are thus endangering human health. Also, agricultural products contaminated with mycotoxins cause many economic losses in the food industry, livestock and farm. Different physical and chemical detoxification methods have been used to deal with mycotoxins. However, few of them are practical. One of the promising approaches for protecting and improving the quality of food and animal organisms against the harmful effects of mycotoxins is use of substances which are called mycotoxin binders and mycotoxin modifiers. Mycotoxin modifiers are substances that bind mycotoxins surface or break down or transform into non-toxic metabolite act. In this article, the most important types of mycotoxin binders and mycotoxin modifiers, mechanism of action and application to deal with different types of mycotoxins are discussed.
Keywords: mycotoxins, mycotoxin binders, mycotoxin modifiers, detoxification methods
Full-Text [PDF 453 kb]   (7718 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: بیوشیمی
Received: 2015/03/28 | Accepted: 2015/03/28 | Published: 2015/03/28
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Rajabalizadeh L. The most recent study of biological and non-biological detoxification of mycotoxins. 3 2015; 6 (26) :64-73
URL: http://labdiagnosis.ir/article-1-83-en.html

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year 6, Issue 26 (3-2015) Back to browse issues page
Laboratory and Diagnosis
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